Sunday, September 19, 2010

One of These Might Be a Good Blog Name

Descartes in a Doughnut Shop
I Think I Think, Therefore I Think I Am
I Think I Think, Therefore I Am I Am
Cogito Ergo Doom
Cogito Ergo Dumb
Cogito Ergo Airhead
I Blog, Therefore I’m Boring


Jim Donahue said...

Is the first one a Maria Muldaur (sp?) reference? said...

No, but maybe she would be a good basis for a blog name. Mid-Blog at the Oasis?

Descartes went into a doughnut shop. The waitress came over to him and said, "Would you like some coffee?" Descartes said, "I think not" and disappeared.

Jim Donahue said...

The waitress was Maria Muldaur. (One of her albums is called "Waitress in a Doughnut Shop.")

Word verification thingee: sheat.