Thursday, February 17, 2011

One Of These Just Might Be The Right Name For This Blog

The Ass Or The Toilet?
The Blog Of The Edmund FitzGerald
Stew Me A Prune, Fruitboy
The Alternate Edition
Schtup Right Up
Go Ice Your Junk


Jim Donahue said...

The Captain wired in he had water coming in
And the good ship and crew was in peril
And later that night when his lights went out of sight
Came the blog of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Might have had more success with Twitter. No one reads blogs anymore. said...

My husband the captain was checking the charts while the cruiser was burning up fu-el
And the kid threw the cat in, trolling for sharks; he called it a project for schoo-el
I reached down to pull the cat in by the tail when I smelled what I held; my complexion went pale
That's when I lost my lunch over the rail
The kid thought the whole thing was coo-el
Mama was not feeling too-well

And it's yo ho over the seas
The salt and the spray and the cool ocean breeze
Pass me a bottle of Valium please
Is this the life for me?

From The Nervous Wreck of Edna FitzGerald, by Camille West.

Jovianne said...

When I get done laughing so much that my sides hurt from crying so hard ... oh my, you two are such a refreshing relief from life!